* denotes equal contribution.
Kean, H., Fung, A., Pramod, R.T., Chomik-Morales, J., Kanwisher, N., Fedorenko, E. (2024). Intuitive Physical Reasoning Is Not Mediated by Linguistic nor Domain-General Abstract Representations. Under Review. [Paper]
Kean, H., Fung, A.*, Jaggers, P.*, Benn, Y., Tenenbaum, J., Piantadosi, S., Varley, R., Fedorenko, E. (2024). The Language of Thought is not Language: Evidence from Formal Logical Reasoning. Under Review. [Extended Abstract] [Poster]
Fung, A.*, Zhuang, C.*, Piantadosi, S., Andreas, J., Fedorenko, E. (2024). Word-Order Error Detection Helps Data-Efficient Language Models Learn Syntax. Cognitive Computational Neuroscience 2024. [Paper] [Poster]
Kean, H., Fung, A., Rule, J., Tenenbaum, J., Piantadosi, S., Fedorenko, E. (2024). Deductive and Inductive Processing Dissociate in the Human Brain. Cognitive Computational Neuroscience 2024. [Paper] [Poster]
Fung, A.*, Koehl, A.*, Jagota, M., Song, Y. (2022). The Impact of Protein Dynamics on Residue-Residue Coevolution and Contact Prediction. Preprint. [Paper]
Dudukovich, R., Gormley, D., Kancharla, S., Wagner, K., Short, R., Brooks, D., Fantl, J., Janardhanan, S., Fung, A. (2022). Towards the Development of a Multi-Agent Cognitive Networking System for the Lunar Environment. IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification. [Paper]
Koehl, A.*, Jagota, M.*, Erdmann-Pham, D.*, Fung, A., Song, Y. (2021). Transferability of Geometric Patterns from Protein Self-Interactions to Protein-Ligand Interactions. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. [Paper]